por anapaulapmartins | ago 29, 2024 | Intellectual Property
Buy a brazilian trademark registered! Did you know that was possible? Buying and selling a trademark is known as trademark assignment. Any company or individual that has a trademark registered in Brazil can “sell” it. It is extremely interesting when a company is...
por anapaulapmartins | ago 29, 2024 | Intellectual Property
Sell your brazilian trademark! Did you know it was possible? Buying and selling a trademark is known as trademark assignment. Any company or individual who has a registered trademark can “sell” it. If you want to know a little more about the procedure, read the topics...
por anapaulapmartins | fev 16, 2024 | Intellectual Property
Industrial design in Brazil is protected through its own registration and not through patent registration (which is how it is in other countries). It is always good to emphasize this particularity of how industrial design is treated in Brazil. It is up to us lawyers...
por anapaulapmartins | out 26, 2023 | Intellectual Property
Con el auge del emprendimiento, esta pregunta ciertamente viene cada vez más a la mente de los emprendedores. ¿Por qué debería solicitar el registro de una marca en Brasil? Después de todo, el nombre de su empresa es muy importante y también es responsable de su éxito...
por anapaulapmartins | set 14, 2023 | Intellectual Property
Before exporting software to Brazil, verify your software registration in your country first. Brazil needs to import a lot of technology, Our country has a lot of good workers, including very good startups companies that create some interesting software. As you know,...
por anapaulapmartins | abr 11, 2023 | International Private Law
Document validation in Brazil is a necessary procedure to make a foreign document valid in Brazil. Brazil is today a globalized country, where numerous negotiations and relationships take place between individuals and companies. However, it is not enough to make a...
por anapaulapmartins | mar 6, 2023 | Intellectual Property
Do you want to export software to Brazil? Brazil has a good market for technology. Any brazilian contacted you to buy your software? Attention, please, on some points you need to know. 1- Do a contract between you and the brazilian importer Be sure the most important...
por anapaulapmartins | nov 4, 2022 | Contracts
With the high dollar in Brazil, Brazilian exports are on the rise. It is also time to think about international commercial agency contract for your company in Brazil. Many entrepreneurs want to export their products, they want to reach new consumer markets. For this,...
por anapaulapmartins | jul 20, 2022 | Contracts
The international trademark distribution agreement is the contractual instrument by which the parties effectively internationalize the entry of a trademark in another country (which can also be Brazil). The internationalization of a trademark is one of the most...
por anapaulapmartins | jun 18, 2022 | Intellectual Property
With the rise of entrepreneurship this question certainly comes more to the minds of entrepreneurs. Why should I apply to register a trademark in Brazil? After all, the name of your business is very important and is also responsible for its success in Brazil and in...